Foie gras with caramelized mango bites

Gourmand Asia June 6, 2015 Print the recipe

Gourmand Asia suggests you this recipe of foie gras bites with caramelized mango. Enjoy it as an aperitif or as a starter.

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1. Remove the crust of 6 slices of pain d’épices, cut them into small squares.

2. Peel 1 small mango, not too ripe, cut into pieces slightly smaller than the pain d’épices . Let them brown with 20 g of butter in a pan. Add 1 teaspoon of liquid honey and 3 pinches of brown sugar, allow to caramelize 2 minutes.

3.Place 1 piece of mango on each square of pain d’épices, leave to cool. Cut the foie gras into small and top on mangoes.

4. You can lightly dust with curry powder when serving. Don't serve too cold.

Our cooking tip: Pour démouler le foie gras entier sans le couper, trempez 1 minute le fond du bocal dans de l’eau tiède. Attention de ne pas l’immerger !


Photo credit: Sucré Salé

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